Tracy L. Lewis
Founder and President of onPoint Oncology
As founder and President of onPoint Oncology Inc. in 2008, Tracy formed an all-star team to bring measurable technology solutions to the oncology market. onPoint’s lead product, focalPoint and assistPoint are the embodiment of these principles. Among its many uses, focalPoint has consistently reduced time to payment and denial rates for the products it supports; while assistPoint is revolutionizing patient assistance and other valuable services through connectivity for oncology/hematology practices.
Tracy has specialized in oncology since 1999, working for Amerisource-Bergen Specialty Group (ABSG) as an account manager and then as Vice President of Sales and Business Development for International Oncology Network (ION). His experience and responsibilities included direct sales, training new salespeople, interfacing with pharmaceutical manufacturers, creating a service model for oncology practices and leading the effort to provide in-office dispensing pharmacies to the practices ION served.

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